Eggenberg hilft der Ukraine

Together with Julia, Maja, and Jonas, and the support of Ms. Greimel, Ms. Raposo, and the parents’ association, Mr. Steinbrenner who also approached us in the first place, I started my CAS project in the second to last week of March 2022. The project was organization donations events at our school to support the population in the Ukraine. We collected material goods.

The first event was from the 28th of March to the 1st of April, but before that in the days running up to the collection a lot had to be done. In a few days we had to collect all necessary information, had to write and organize E-Mails to the parents, students and teachers, design posters to promote the collection, coordinate with the school representatives for it to be announced and put on the school’s Instagram account and design posters for further promotion, all within two to three days.

Luckily, we quickly were able to find several volunteers who were willing to help us collect donations throughout the week, before school and in every 10 minute and long break. Throughout the week we managed to be downstairs every day, mainly to sort and organize the donations received. Most of the donations were brought on Monday and Friday. On Sunday, 03.04.2022, Ms. Greimel, Ms. Raposo, Jonas, Mr. Steinbrenner from the parents’ association and I, met at 10 am in school to sort the donations into cars and bringing them to the bus, which then distributes the clothes, toys, shoes, games, and food to the Ukrainian people who need it.


Carolina Müller, 7i

CAS (Creativity-Activity-Service in the IBDP)

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