GIBS is a bilingual (German-English) senior secondary school for students aged 10-18. At present the school comprises more than 600 students and over 60 teaching staff. The rest of the team is made up of the French-, English- and Spanish-speaking co-teachers and the administrative staff. The language of instruction is English in the form of “flexible monolingualism”.
The first three months of Year 1 take the form of an intensive phase of language acquisition after which the students have reached a level of language competence which enables them to participate in lessons conducted in the target language. Following the intensive phase, linguistic back-up for other subjects is provided when required in the English class.

In Year 7 History is taught in English/French/Spanish. During the first five school years in particular, different subjects collaborate on broad projects that supplement language instruction. Between Year 6 and Year 8, the upper level course system ensures the interconnection and deepening of learning material. Students from non-German speaking countries receive instruction in German as a foreign language. Their evaluation is in accordance to § 18/12 of the School Instruction Guidelines which allows students to select either German or English as their first language of instruction and be thereby assessed accordingly (Note: this does not apply to the final exam/Matura due to legal regulations).

This is GIBS


Virtual Tour of the Building

Tour created by Andreas Schuch.

Student contribution credits: Kaspar Benedikt, J. Brandt, Lizzy Hughes, Simon Janser, Miriam Krenn, Sofia Maiberg, Lea Meßner, Christian S., Ailish Schreiner, Kai-Henrik Steinbrenner, Jakob Suffa, L. Wassilikos, J. Wendt

Mission Statement

Discovery Learning

Using a wide range of approaches to learning to acquire social skills and academic knowledge as a basis for life-long learning.

Personal and Global Responsibility

Developing autonomy and team qualities through taking responsibility for one´s actions that go beyond the individual and immediate community.

Language Proficiency

Teaching, learning and communicating in several languages.

International Mindedness

Encouraging respect for cultural diversity.

Critical Thinking

Developing critical awareness and constructive ways of dealing with criticism of oneself and the world at large.

School Profile

Careers Guidance

Careers advice is integrated in teaching in Years 3 and 4, in particular in German, Religion, English and Geography classes. In the upper school, there are elective courses dealing with the working and professional world which can help students decide on their future careers. These courses offer practical work experience in line with the particular interests of the students. Students are advised by tutors on their choice of courses. Group and individual activities are carried out to help students become aware of their skills and talents.

Intercultural Projects

The school direction as well as entire staff are continually attentive to international contacts concerning, on the one hand, projects within Europe and, on the other hand, student exchange programs.

Current projects:


  • “Rencontres Interculturelles”, a project together with ” Lycée Idéal”(Nabeul), Tunisia, promoted by UNESCO.
    Download: Ich – Du – Wir  (brochure by Interkulturelles Zentrum)
    Rencontres Interculturelles (brochure by Interkulturelles Zentrum)
    • Topics 2023 Regards Croisés – link Nabeul,
    • Topics 2022 Regards Croisés – link-Nabeul, link-Graz
    • Nous fêtons 10 ans de partenariat entre le Lycée Idéal et GIBS – video
    • Topics 2021 Regards Croisés – link, pictures
    • Topics 2019: La Tunisie c’est inspirant et enrichissant!
    • Topics 2018: Voyager, c’ est Vivre!
    • Topics 2017 penser la Paix
    • Topics 2016: Vivre Ensemble- Coexister
    • Topics 2015: Penser Corporel(le)
    • Topics 2014: Nature-tout simple-ment
      Nature-tout simple-ment 2
      Nous Sommes Bardo
    • Topics 2013: Entourages
    • Topics 2012: Autonomous learner – based on EPOSA standards.
    • Topics 2011: Démocratie participative.
    • Topics 2010: Dialogue interreligieux.

Several Comenius Projects have already taken place within the European Union.

  • “Our Cultural and Social Diversity in Europe”  included schools from the following countries:  Austria (GIBS), Bulgaria, Germany, France, Holland, Iceland, Rumania and Turkey.
  • Volcanoes (Island, Deutschland, Italien)
  • Unterricht an der Unterstufe  (England, Ungarn, Frankreich)
  • Ausgrenzung in einem Europa ohne Grenzen

Key Skills

The acquisition of key skills such as team competence, time management, conflict solving strategies, presentation techniques and use of new media is practised in all classes but is given special emphasis in such courses as Public Speaking, Academic Writing, Presentation Techniques, Computing and Business.

Pilot Projects

The following pilot projects are taking place in the areas of modern languages:

  • French or Spanisch as second modern language starting in Year 3
  • Choice of French, Latin, Russian or Spanish starting in Year 5

School Climate

At GIBS we aim to maintain a harmonious school climate based on mutual understanding and respect and a working atmosphere conducive to study. The staff make every effort to work with commitment and motivation and in return we expect students to do likewise in order to derive maximum benefit from what our school has to offer them. We also expect our students to show a certain self-discipline in their behaviour and in their attitude towards school property and to treat all members of the school community with respect.

Our code of conduct is drawn up with the above principles in mind.

Students who neglect their duties or disrupt the school climate through uncooperative behaviour and who do not respond to discussion of their problem with the teacher involved must be prepared to face consequences.

Social Learning

On starting school, Year 1 students are looked after by “companions”, older volunteer students, which have been proven to be very successful.
We feel that the cultural diversity at our school is a true enrichment. This is reflected within and throughout each school day, especially by means of a respectful interaction with one another. Moreover, a positive learning and working atmosphere is encouraged by weekly staff meetings, by the close contact between staff and parents as well as by the particular working interaction with the students in class.

Teaching Methods

We aim to use a broad range of methods. According to the criteria of the new Austrian curriculum, projects and cross-curricular teaching are an integral part of classes. Further methods include workshops, task sheets, portfolios and response journals. Methods are discussed, ideas are shared and new and young members of staff receive support from more experienced colleagues.

Trips Abroad

We make every effort to organize home-to-home exchanges with countries whose languages are taught at our school. If this proves impossible, a trip abroad with instruction at a language school and accommodation with host families is offered.

However, it is our aim to find schools in the English- and French-speaking countries for long-term exchange partnerships.

Code of Conduct

The purpose of this code of conduct is to ensure the safe and efficient running of the school, the comfort and well being of all students, staff and visitors to the school and the protection of the school premises.

Rules & Reasons

  • Moving around school, arriving and leaving
    Enter school by the main door.
  • Stay away from the very top of the concrete structure at the front of the building.
  • At the front of the building, do not go beyond the entrance to the Aula.
    The ACE area is for the use of ACE students only.
  • Stay away from the gym area.
  • You may only use the lift with staff permission.    To ensure the safety of  students and to respect the privacy of staff and of others who share the building.
  • Only enter the staffroom if you are asked to do so.
  • You may not leave the school premises in the course of the morning without staff permission.

Free Time

  • GIBS is a no-smoking area.
  • You may only listen to music on personal media players.
  • Dangerous items (e.g. knives, lighters, matches) must not be used on school premises.


To provide opportunities for relaxation and study outside class time in a safe and orderly environment.

  • You may go outside via the back door during the 10- and 20-minute breaks.
  • Do not go behind the school building.
  • Stay away from the wall at the corner of the staffroom window.
  • Do not stand or run on any walls.
  • You may only play frisbee and ball games on the grass.
  • Do not climb trees.
  • Bikes and mopeds must not be used on school premises.
  • Wheels must be removed from Heelys.
  • Skates, skateboards and scooters must be kept in lockers during school time.


  • Do not stand on furniture or sit or climb on parapets, banisters or radiators.
  • Do not throw or drop things over parapets or out of windows.
  • Do not sit or stand around on the stairs or landings or on the third floor.
  • You may only open or close windows with staff permission.
  • Running, kicking and throwing games are not allowed.
  • After period 6/7 you only have access to classrooms when a teacher is present.

Keeping things clean, tidy and in good condition

  • Do not write on desks or otherwise vandalize school property.
  • Waste separation must be taken seriously.
  • Food must be out of sight during class. (Drinks at discretion of class teacher.)
  • You may only use school media equipment with staff supervision.
  • After period 6/7, leave your classroom clean and tidy with chairs up on desks.
  • Put your belongings in your locker. You are personally responsible for the safety of your valuables.
  • To create a pleasant, hygienic environment and to protect school property and personal belongings.

Appropriate behaviour and attitude

  • Go to your desk when the bell rings and be ready to work when your teacher arrives.
  • If you are late for class, apologize and explain why.
  • To promote good manners and consideration for others and to create
    an appropriate atmosphere for efficient study.
  • Class stands when the teacher enters the room.
  • Personal media players and phones must be switched off and kept out of sight during class.
  • You must follow the instructions of staff (janitors, secretaries, co-teachers, teachers) at all times and address them politely.


Support for School Events

At GIBS, it is an important concern that no student should be excluded from participating in school events for financial reasons.
(See Guidelines for Supporting Students during School-related Trips Abroad.)

School Books

Regular students whose parents receive family allowance in Austria are entitled to subsidised school text books, dictionaries etc. Books are supplied by the school and pay slips (minimal fee) are issued by the class teacher.

Public Transport

Regular students whose parents receive family allowance in Austria are entitled to subsidised school text books, dictionaries etc. Books are supplied by the school and pay slips (minimal fee) are issued by the class teacher.