German as a foreign language – backup

General Information

At GIBS we make every effort to make new students who are not German speakers feel welcome at our school. Courses in German as a Foreign Language (DaF) and German as a Second Language (DaZ) are run throughout the school year. These courses are open to GIBS students as well as to students from other schools.

We offer courses at levels A1, A2, B1 and B2/C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. At the beginning of the school year students are given a placement test to assess their level of competence in the German language.


Our courses are structured in such a way that students are systemically prepared for taking the “Reifeprüfung” (school-leaving examination at 18 years of age) at B2/C1 level in German, from the very first German word they learn at A1 level to the final intensive preparation for the “Reifeprüfung”. At the same time they are integrated as soon as possible in the regular classes for native speakers of German. The aim is not to remain a DaF/DaZ student indefinitely but to learn the German language effectively with the help of specialized coaching.

It is also possible for a student to transfer to a higher or a lower level course during the school year according to his or her individual needs.

As well as German grammar, we place particular emphasis on speaking skills, enabling students to communicate in German after a very short time.


Students can register for DaF and DaZ courses free of charge by submitting an application form (see Forms Download > Application form DAF). On successfully completing the course, students are awarded a certificate and receive an endorsement on their school report card.

Placement Test DaF/DaZ 2017/18

Monday, September 25, at 5:00 p.m. at GIBS (Georgigasse 85, 8020 Graz, tram 1) and takes 90 minutes (until 6.30 p.m.).

We meet at the entrance area of GIBS.